Kitty Cat Facts For All You Cat Lovers Out There

  • Because what cat lover doesn't want more kitty cat facts?

These kitty cat facts will surprise you. Like did you know there was a real life green cat that was born once?

Cats who “hit” you with retracted claws are actually playing. This isn’t a sign of them looking for a fight or attacking.

A dog that wags its tail is happy and excited to see you. It’s quite the opposite for a cat. When a cats tail is wagging, it’s their way of telling you to quit whatever you’re doing because you’re getting on your cats nerves.

Does your cat always stick its but in your face? Opposite to what you may think, when your cat sticks his butt in your fact, it’s a gesture of friendship.

Whiskers are a kind of mood ring for your car. When scared, they put their whiskers back. In a hunting mood, your cats whiskers will be forward.

If your cat drapes its tail over another cat, your dog, or you, it’s a showing of friendship. This is one of the sweetest of the kitty cat facts.

Cats are picky about their water bowls and some ignore them all together. Where do they get water from, you may ask? If  you have a cat, you know some love to drink from the sink faucet while others may prefer to share your glass of water with you.

Cats that groom other cats, or even you, is known as allogrooming.

Cats like to sleep on things that smell like their owners. So if you find your cat curled up in your favorite blanket or nestled into your pile of laundry, this is why.

Cats love to sleep in laundry baskets,  have you noticed this? To a cat, it’s basically an amazing hiding place with peep holes! This is one of the funniest of the kitty cat facts.

If your cat is attacking your ankles, it’s probably true that your cat is bored.

Certain cats go crazy for foods you wouldn’t expect. Think foods like olives, potato chips, and hops in beer. Better yet, give your cat the inner flowers from celery! It’s like catnip to them and they really love it!

Cats are not a fan of citrus scents. Did you know this as one of the kitty cat facts?

Cats love to hide, so if you cannot find yours, check their favorite hiding spots. If they’re still nowhere to be found, look in boxes or bags and these are some of there favorite places to chill. (And hide.)

Male cats trying to get a female in heat may show very strange behavior. Some have been known to slide down chimneys. Can you imagine?

Many cats like to lick their owner’s freshly washed hair. That allogrooming in action?

Some cats love the smell of chlorine. Weird but to each their own, right?

Cats will steal things for themselves. They will grab items like stuffed animals, feather dusters, and other things that remind them of prey. They also like toys though, which can be as simple as a hair tie or rubber band. 

A green cat was born in Denmark in 1995. Some think this is due to high levels of copper in the water pipes nearby, makin him this odd kitty color. This is the most wild of the kitty cat facts.

It turns out that Abraham Lincoln was a crazy cat president and had four cats living at the White House with him. 

Maria Assunta left her cat, Tomasso, her entire $13 million fortune when she died in 2011. Wow, lucky cat, huh? How do you think he spent the money? This has got to be the most wild of all the kitty cat facts!

Socks, President Bill Clinton’s cat, was a media kitty during the Clinton administration. Socks was so popular, it got more letters than the President himself.

A 17-year-old orange tabby named Stubbs is mayor of the historic district of Talkeetna, Alaska. Have you ever heard for animals taking office? It’s weird, but true.

A cat’s learning style is about the same as a 2- to 3-year-old child. Meaning that they are “slow learners” who don’t really listen? Ha, that sure is interesting as one of the kitty cat facts.

A cat’s purr vibrates at a frequency of 25 to 150 hertz. This is the same frequency at which muscles and bones repair themselves. How wonderful is that?

A group of kittens is called a “kindle.” Did you know this as one of the kitty cat facts? 

What do you think of these kitty cat facts?